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BFHI Link Newsletter
Parent Leaflets
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Leaflets from the BFHI in Ireland 

BFHI Link is the newsletter for hospitals participating in the maternity or paediatric programmes. Most issues include a page that can be can be downloaded and distributed as a leaflet for parents, student health workers and other interested  people. 

Items from BFHI Link and the leaflets can be used in non-commercial publications provided that BFHI in Ireland is credited.

These leaflets start from the first days of BFHI in Ireland in May 1999 and while the information is generally accurate it may look a little dated. Some links and addresses in older materials may no longer work; please let us know if you find this.
The leaflets are listed here; you are also welcome to view the full BFHI Link newsletter

Click on the underlined text to open the handout

During pregnancy find out about the importance of mother’s milk and practices that assist
Pregnancy is a good time to discuss.... (English)
Nėštumo metu gerai aptarti ...
Votre grossesse est un bon moment pour vous informer ....
Ihre Schwangerschaft ist eine gute Zeit, folgende Punkte zu diskutieren ...
Okres ciązy to dobry czas na rozwazania ... (Polish)
 (Arabic)  حملك هو الوقت المناسب لمناقشة ما يلي 

Feeding your baby is your decision – but who is influencing you?

Mother's milk is magic 

Your milk is green 

Is my milk good enough? Yes its great!

An infant feeding decision has long-term effects

Informed choice means knowing both sides (has two pages)

Questions about breastfeeding? 

What if I am thinking of formula feeding?

Antenatal discussion checklist 

What to expect in a Baby Friendly Hospital 
Supportive labour and birth practices help mother, baby, and feeding to get off to a good start
Having a support person during labour and birth
Coping with pain during labour
Early contact
After a C-section
Early days after birth is a time to get established
Surviving the Second Night   Zweite Nacht Durch Stehen (German)  Survivre la Deuxième Nuit (French)
Position for comfortable and effective feeding
Baby-led Feeding 
Recognising feeding signs 
Signs that feeding is going well
Why is exclusive breastfeeding recommended? (Just One Bottle)
Do I have enough milk?
Does your baby need more than mother's milk? 
Milk Expression
Avoiding artificial teats and dummies 
Before you go home, make sure that... 
If your breasts feel over-full
Responsive Feeding
Being a family, and sustaining breastfeeding
Letter from baby
What can a father do?
How a father can help breastfeed
When your grandchild is breastfeeding 
Our new baby - colouring page
Support helps to answer questions of new parents 
Baby signs of stress and relaxed
When baby cries 
Exclusive breastfeeding for six months
Breastfeeding the older baby
Is my baby ready for solid foods?
When you are minding a breastfed baby 
Healthy eating when breastfeeding
Special situations

When a breastfeeding mother is ill 

Breastfeeding your baby in a paediatric ward

Mother's milk is important for a premature baby

Mothers with a disability and breastfeeding

Feeding babies during emergencies such as floods, heavy snow, electricity cuts and other events

Infants who are not breastfeeding are at increased risk when there is flooding - discuss safe conditions

Some babies may not be breastfeeding Types of infant formula

Other topics

Guide to the HSE National Infant Feeding Policy (See the Programme Resources Page for link to the full policy)
Polasaí Cothaithe Naíonáin - Treoir do Thuismitheoirí (Irish)
Informacija tėvams apie vaikų maitinimo nuostatas (Lithuanian) 
Przewodnik dla rodziców po karnieniu noworodka (Polish)
دليل الآباء عن سياسة تغذية الرضع

Breastfeeding and working away from home 
Looking for information on the internet
Breastfeeding and employment
Not happy with your care? Tell someone 
If mothers have a Right to decide how they feed their baby do they have a Right to support to carry out their decision? Read more
Breastfeeding Related Apps for Health Care Providers

 Materials in languages other than English

BFHI in other countries, particularly the BFI UK. See Links page.
La Leche League  Go to www.lalecheleague.org  then click on Welcome in the language you are looking for or the web site of that country. Also ask your local La Leche League Leader about materials.
Cuidiu-ICT have many of their own leaflets in seven languages (French, Irish, Polish, Romanian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mandrian) as well as English. http://www.cuidiu-ict.ie/languages 

Contents of the publication may vary slightly from the English language version or version in Ireland. For example, the BFI UK publication Breastfeeding Your Baby is not exactly the same as the BFHI Ireland/HSE publication by the same name. Terms such as community midwife and health visitor may be used in UK information, and visits to paediatrician in US materials where we would take the baby to a GP or public health nurse.  Information from other countries may lack contact details for support in Ireland so ensure there is a sticker or other information that gives local contacts.

Remember it is better to give no leaflet than to give a leaflet in the person’s own language that has incorrect information. Do not give out leaflets if you do not know what is written in them.

If you are thinking of translating BFHI materials for use in Ireland, please check first with the BFHI National Coordinator. This ensures you are using the most recent version and not duplicating work already done. Copyrighted materials should not be translated without permission from the holder of the copyright.


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Copyright © 1999-2016 Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in Ireland. Material on this site may be used for non-commercial purposes. Please credit BFHI Ireland. If you wish to translate any of this material, please contact to discuss as a translation may already exist.
Last modified: July 07, 2017